How candle label template will elevate Your handmade candles

Handmade candles are incredibly popular and more people seek out not just nice fragrances, but unique and passinately made products for their homes. If you’re a candle maker, you know that the presentation of your candles is just as important as the quality of the wax and the fragrance. A brilliant way to level up the look of your candles is to use an editable candle label template. I’ll show you all the benefits and why you need them for your handmade candles!

32 important life lessons I have learned in 32 years

Oh whew, I am turning 32 this month. In honor of that and to show how grateful I am to you for all the support you have shown me, let’s make this post a bit more personal. I wanted to make a list of important life lessons in the 32 years of life. So why not make it that number? Most of it is stuff I wish somebody told me when I was younger. Then again, not sure if I would have believed them, because some things you just have to experience in order to learn. If it helps or inspires even one person my job here is done. Thank you for all the love, kind words and support you gave me on my journey to this moment. Cheers!

How to deal with art block

That horrible feeling of nothing. And then frustration. Art block is a tough moment to get through. Let me share with you my tips to overcome it and let the inspiration explode! As a surface pattern designer and illustrator it often happens that I come up with nothing when thinking of what I should draw. Or I end up absolutely loathing what I created no matter how many times I try. Know that feeling? Here are a few ways how to deal with art block.