In the unpredictable world of small business, challenges are inevitable. Whether it’s a shifting market landscape, economic downturn, or unexpected challenges, every small business owner encounters moments when the business isn’t performing as expected. This article aims to offer small business tips to guide you through the labyrinth of tough times, offering actionable tips to navigate the storm when your business hits a rough patch. Let’s dive in and discover how to steer your business toward success, even in the face of uncertainty.
Category: creative business
The Complete Guide to Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile for Success
Imagine this scenario: You’ve just received an email notification that a hiring manager from your dream company has viewed your LinkedIn profile. They’re intrigued and want to know more about you. You feel a mix of excitement and anticipation as you imagine the possibilities that this connection might bring.
32 important life lessons I have learned in 32 years
Oh whew, I am turning 32 this month. In honor of that and to show how grateful I am to you for all the support you have shown me, let’s make this post a bit more personal. I wanted to make a list of important life lessons in the 32 years of life. So why not make it that number? Most of it is stuff I wish somebody told me when I was younger. Then again, not sure if I would have believed them, because some things you just have to experience in order to learn. If it helps or inspires even one person my job here is done. Thank you for all the love, kind words and support you gave me on my journey to this moment. Cheers!
Why getting a custom portrait is an awesome idea?
Custom portrait is a priceless gift for absolutely everyone. That special someone, best friend, family, you. For birthday, anniversary, wedding or just because. The joy it brings is a moment that will definitely be remembered. You can give it to someone or celebrate and express yourself with it!
Running a creative business as a full time mom – how I organize it all
Not going to lie, running creative business as a full time mom is damn hard. Well, running any kind of business while raising a kid is really hard. You will have lots of frustration, moments of tears and breakdowns, wanting to throw it all to hell. But eventually you will find your flow, know your limitations and plan accordingly. Just hang in there, it will all get better with time.